5 Easy Valentine's Day Ideas for Busy Parents - Make this Valentine's Day Special

It's that time of year again: Valentine's Day. The day when we all get to celebrate our love and relationships with our family, friends and those special people in our lives. But what if you're a busy parent? Don't worry--we've got some easy Valentine's Day ideas for busy parents who want to make this holiday extra special. We'll also show you how you can make your own homemade Valentine's Day gifts for your kids or even yourself if you're feeling artsy!

1. Warm up with a cup of coffee or tea.

Coffee and tea are both good for the heart, and they're both simple to make at home. You can start your day with a cup of hot chocolate or espresso, then end it with some soothing chamomile tea--or vice versa!

2. Make a homemade Valentine's Day gift for your kids.

Another great way to make Valentine's Day even more special is by making a homemade DIY gift for your kids. You could use their artwork as inspiration or even help them create the perfect handmade card. For example, as shown in the picture above, you could attach their photos on a piece of paper and draw some cards showing them holding a bouquet of hearts.

3. Make some homemade Valentines for the family using the kids' artwork (or yours).

You can make a Valentine's Day card with the kids' artwork. This is especially fun if you have children of different ages, as they can each contribute something different to the project.

Use your child's drawing or painting as inspiration for a Valentine's Day card message: "I love you so much!" or "You're my favorite person." If they have already drawn something that looks like a heart (or any other shape), this is an easy way to incorporate it into their own personalised Valentine's Day message!

4. Make a non-traditional meal for your loved one for Valentine's Day.

If you're looking for an easy way to surprise your loved one on Valentine's Day, consider making them something special. You can do this by creating a menu that combines their favorite foods and drinks in unexpected ways. This is a great way to make any occasion feel festive, but it's especially fun when you add in some non-traditional elements that no one else would think of doing (like putting peanut butter on bread).

To make this kind of meal super easy, start by planning ahead! If possible, try to get your hands on some ingredients ahead of time so everything else can come together quickly after dinner time arrives. Also keep in mind that not everyone likes the same thing every day--so if there are two different types of meat offered at each meal, consider having two different plates set up with different meats so everyone gets what they want without having too much overlap between courses."

5. Learn about how to be more romantic online and offline this Valentine's Day!

Now that you're ready to make Valentine's Day special, it's time to learn how to be more romantic online and offline. To do this, use the internet!

  • Learn about how to be more romantic online and offline by using these resources:

  • [Online Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/romantic_ideas) - The Reddit community has tons of helpful information on all things lovey-dovey! If you have any questions or need some inspiration, check out this subreddit first.

  • [Online Forums](https://www.redditstatic.com/pages/about/) - Online forums like Imgur's AskReddit can give you answers from people who have been through similar situations as yours before (and maybe even saved their relationship). Be sure not to forget about this resource when looking for ideas for your Valentine's Day date night!

Being busy doesn't mean you can't have time for each other, so don't forget about your loved ones this Valentine's Day!

  • Don't forget about your loved ones.

  • Don't forget about yourself.

  • Don't forget about your family and friends.

  • And don't forget about pets, too!

And that's it! These are 5 easy ideas for busy parents to make their Valentine's Day special. This is a great day for reconnecting with your loved ones and finding ways to spend time together, so don't forget about them when planning your plans! Happy valentines Lovelies :-)

Maureen Njeri